- 单项选择题Any emergency pump situated outside ()(机舱)should also be started.
A、officer’s room
B、machinery cabin
C、engine room
D、boat deck
- C
- Paint the hull with
- Close all fire doors
- 右搓纤维绳应逆时针方向盘放。
- The captain wants to
- 我想和大副谈谈。()
- 手套()
- 登记船长()
- -How many ropes do
- Stand by engine. ()
- Before entering or l
- 我国沿海的季节期只有热带和夏季之分,因此
- 消防泵()
- How long will the di
- After a ship leaves
- 空船时水面到船舶最高点的垂直距离称为:(
- 制造救生圈的材料不受海水及油类的影响。
- 消防水带长度不得超过25米,其直径一般为
- 干货通常被装载到货舱里。()
- 有多少节锚链在外?()
- All starboard()